Saturday, September 6, 2008

Obama Fun: Irony, Irony, Delicious Obama-Left Irony.

Here's some fun via the ever-smearing Huffington Post:

Barack Obama: "When you start just focusing exclusively on trying to tear the other person down instead of what you are going to do on behalf of the American people to deal with this economy, then that's not serving Democrats, that's not serving Republicans, that's not serving anybody."

Funny. Tell your cheering fan-crowd that, Obama. Tell Andrew Sullivan, my personal Dreamboat. Tell Markos who is so delusional he thinks Alaska is a swing state, and allowed festering commentary that Trig Palin is not Sarah Palin's real son.

I think you have a Sycamore tree in your own eye, Senator Obama. Why not try pulling that beam out before you start waxing poetic about "focusing exclusively on trying to tear the other person down instead of"...

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